Sports Round Table

Sports Round Table 1100 am Show 102

HM3inc Season 5 Episode 102
Great way to end Season 2 with Special Guest Alvin Watson of the Old Fashion Health Radio show. Yes, even on Sports Round Table we talk Health. Tonight we Talked Hott News about Urban Myer, Jalen Hurts and NFL HOF weekend. We did our Interview with Alvin around 7:30 and Water, Walking and Sleep 3 most important to health. He did say Meat was bad for you but ........ ok. Buy and Sell by G-Money C'mon Andre Drummond!!!! Our Round Table Discussion was Top 5 CFB and our Thoughts. One of the best Topics for the night was your Top 5 Best WR Duo of all-time Really don't think you can go wrong. Thanks again as we end season 2 with a bang. Much Love #SRT #weknowsports